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Political representation: citizen demands and views

Electoral Behaviour
Anne Küppers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena
Eline Severs
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Building: Newman Building, Floor: 1, Room: B110

Wednesday 16:15 - 18:00 BST (14/08/2024)


The papers in this panel make an innovative contribution to research on citizens' conceptions of and expectations towards political representation. The papers in this panel draw on different methodologies to discuss citizens' (changing and sometime paradoxical) demands on political representation. This panel mirrors the focus on elites in the panel "Politicians' understanding of political representation".

Title Details
Tracing Mass-Elite Representation Gaps in Multiple World Regions: Critical Juncture and Elite Agency View Paper Details
Representation from the People’s Perspective: understanding paradoxical ways of thinking and feeling View Paper Details
Self-identification and post-migrant political representation: Rethinking theory and method in the study of representation gaps View Paper Details