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About our Membership

Our core purpose is to advance the field of political science, by bringing academics at all stages of their career together from across the world to share ideas, publish research and grow their networks.

Our membership is comprised of over 300 of the world’s leading academic institutions involved with teaching and researching political and social science. From this membership stems a network of tens of thousands of individuals, all of whom benefit from ECPR membership; from PhD student to Emeritus Professor.

Membership options

We offer two membership options – Full Member and Associate Member.

Membership options

The ECPR has two membership types: Full Member and Associate Member.

  • Full Membership is now open to any institution wishing to access the full suite of benefits;
  • Associate Membership is open only to institutions outside of the UK and Europe.

Please see our Constitution and current Membership Fees for more information.


How to join

If your institution isn’t a member, we'd love to talk to you about how the ECPR can support you and your staff and students.

Membership options

The ECPR has two membership types: Full Member and Associate Member.

  • Full Membership is now open to any institution wishing to access the full suite of benefits;
  • Associate Membership is open only to institutions outside of the UK and Europe.

Please see our Constitution and current Membership Fees for more information.


How to join

If your institution isn’t a member, we would love to talk to you about how the ECPR can support you and your staff and students. We can provide examples of how membership could actually save your institution money over the course of a year, through event discounts, participant funding and reduced publishing APCs. Simply get in touch by clicking the button below.


Benefits at a glance

Institutional membership of the ECPR unlocks a huge variety of benefits for scholars within that institution.

Scholar - Can receive discounts and apply for funding opportunities Full Member Associate Member
Significant discounts on all ECPR event and course fees (rising to 50% for members and 85% for student members at all events by 2024/25).
Can propose to Chair a Section at the General Conference
Can propose to Direct a Workshop at the Joint Sessions of Workshops
Can propose to Co-Direct a Workshop at the Joint Sessions of Workshops
Eligible to apply for grants to cover the cost of attendance of an ECPR event (PhD students and young scholars)
Scholar - Discounts and opportunities to edit journals and book series Full Member Associate Member
No Article Processing Charges (APCs) for articles published in Political Research Exchange (PRX)
Online access to European Political Science (EPS) is provided via the institution's library
30% discount on Comparative Politics books published in collaboration with Oxford University Press
Eligible to apply to edit an ECPR journal or book series
Scholar - Can participate in the leadership and governance of ECPR Full Member Associate Member
Can propose the establishment of a new Standing Group or Research Network
Can stand for election to the Steering Committee of an existing Standing Group or Research Network
Can stand for election to the Executive Committee
Can stand for election as Speaker of Council
Can participate in official ECPR-sponsored panels hosted by other international organisations (e.g. APSA, IPSA)
  Full Member Associate Member
Official Representatives sit on ECPR Council and vote in elections and referenda
Can host an ECPR event and receive a waiver of membership fee in the event year
Free publicity for vacancies through the monthly Jobs Bulletin and official ECPR Twitter feed

Membership Benefits

We aim to provide vital professional support for all scholars at all stages of their careers, helping them progress through the profession and become leaders in their field.

Get noticed

Individuals from our member institutions benefit from deeply discounted rates to attend all ECPR events.

Our Events

Our events programme is curated to provide myriad opportunities for professional development and sharing of new research, to support scholars in all stages of their career.

Our renowned Methods School offers expert training to grow and nurture careers. Our Joint Sessions of Workshops and General Conference provide an ideal setting for both intensive feedback and development of research and an opportunity to network with over 2,000 other political scientists, each year.

Discounts for individuals from member institutions to attend our events are set to reach 50% for members and 85% for student members by 2025.


Our Events

Our events programme is curated to provide myriad opportunities for professional development and sharing of new research, to support scholars in all stages of their career.

Our renowned Methods School offers expert training to grow and nurture careers. Our Joint Sessions of Workshops and General Conference provide an ideal setting for both intensive feedback and development of research and an opportunity to network with over 2,000 other political scientists, each year.

Discounts for individuals from member institutions to attend our events are set to reach 50% for members and 85% for student members by 2025.


Get funded

Each year we provide funding grants to students and young scholars from across our membership to help them attend our events.

Our Funding Opportunities

From 2020 our funding has been expanded to include fee waivers and grants to cover the full cost of attendance for successful applicants. Each member institution is entitled to receive up to ten grants per year (two per event).

We are also making additional funding available for special projects or initiatives.


Get published

Highly cited journals and trailblazing books are a high profile and tangible output from our networks and events.

Our Funding Opportunities

From 2020 our funding has been expanded to include fee waivers and grants to cover the full cost of attendance for successful applicants. Each member institution is entitled to receive up to ten grants per year (two per event).

We are also making additional funding available for special projects or initiatives.


Our Publications

We publish six leading journals, including one dedicated to the profession, and one fully Gold open access which offers free publishing APCs for our membership, plus a book series and our own publishing imprint, the ECPR Press. In 2020, we unveiled our blog site, The Loop, publishing short pieces on politics, policy programmes, societal and political issues, showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best. 


Get rewarded

From distinguished scholars to exceptional PhD students, our prizes recognise exceptional achievements across the profession.

Our Prizes

In recognition of the contributions made to all areas of European political science, the ECPR awards six prizes each year. These prizes cover a wide spectrum of achievement, from the Jean Blondel PhD Prize awarded for the most outstanding thesis at an ECPR institution, to the Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to those individuals' whose work has contributed significantly to the furtherment of the discipline.


Our Prizes

In recognition of the contributions made to all areas of European political science, the ECPR awards six prizes each year. These prizes cover a wide spectrum of achievement, from the Jean Blondel PhD Prize awarded for the most outstanding thesis at an ECPR institution, to the Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to those individuals' whose work has contributed significantly to the furtherment of the discipline.


Get connected

Scholars at our member institutions join the growing community of over 20,000 individuals from more than 300 of the world’s leading academic institutions.

Our Network

Over 20,000 individuals from more than 300 institutions in some 44 countries worldwide make up the ECPR community. Scholars at member institutions can access these networks through events and publications but also more formally through joining (or creating) a Standing Group or Research Network  – formalised research networks, fully supported both financially and practically.


Get involved

Individuals from our member institutions have an opportunity to take an active role in the long-term strategic and day-to-day running of our organisation.

Our Network

Over 20,000 individuals from more than 300 institutions in some 44 countries worldwide make up the ECPR community. Scholars at member institutions can access these networks through events and publications but also more formally through joining (or creating) a Standing Group or Research Network  – formalised research networks, fully supported both financially and practically.


Our Governance

Scholars from our member institutions can take part in the governance of our organisation, from joining the ECPR Council as an Official Representative for their institution, to taking a seat on the Executive Committee.

Each ECPR member is required to appoint an Official Representative (OR) to act as the liaison point between the institution and the ECPR. This role is key to ensuring the individual scholars within each institution are able to make the most of the benefits on offer. ORs together make up the ECPR’s Council and as such also play an important role in the organisation’s governance.


Get in the know

We are concerned about the academy and the conditions of those scholars who work within it. As such, we regularly publish studies and policies in this area.

Our Studies and Projects

In our studies and projects, we examine the challenges facing scholars studying political science across the world. We look at how the discipline works now, and how things could be improved to build a more inclusive and diverse community, with the object of supporting and nurturing both research and careers.


Our Studies and Projects

In our studies and projects, we examine the challenges facing scholars studying political science across the world. We look at how the discipline works now, and how things could be improved to build a more inclusive and diverse community, with the object of supporting and nurturing both research and careers.