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Understanding post-exceptionalism in agri-food policymaking: Addressing multiple crises

Environmental Policy
Public Administration
Public Policy
Developing World Politics
Policy Change
Gerry Alons
Carsten Daugbjerg
University of Copenhagen

Endorsed by the ECPR Research Network on Food Policy and Governance


Agricultural policies are often the target of criticism for doing too little to encourage and facilitate the farm and food sector to transforming to sustainable production, processing and consumption and to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030. Recent years have seen new political demands to respond to multiple crises and risks facing the agri-food sector such as climate change (SDG 13), bio-diversity loss (SDG 15), water pollution (SDG 6) and antimicrobial resistance (SDG 3). Often the policy measures adopted to address these issues fall short of delivering the expected impacts. Agri-food policies have displayed a significant degree of continuity in their underlying paradigm. The exceptionalist legacy still sticks in the form of post-exceptionalism. The concept of post-exceptionalism denotes a partial transformation in which an exceptionalist policy sector has not been completely ‘normalized’ and in which old and new ideas, institutions, interests and policy instruments coexist. The theoretical challenge remains to identify and explain the dynamics of such partial transformation processes. A defining feature of policy measures aimed at addressing unsustainable food production, processing or consumption is cross-sectoral policy and governance arrangements. This involves inter-linkages at national and local levels with other policy domains such as environment and climate change, energy, water, public health, animal welfare, bio-technology, development, trade, security, international politics, and migration. Food systems also face transboundary threats, ranging from climate change, transboundary diseases and increased migration to disrupted supply chains due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. Agri-food technology change promises benefits for addressing such threats but simultaneously fuels new governance challenges and, ultimately, the rise of new and potentially contested modes of governance. There is a need for theoretical and empirical research on the dynamics of post-exceptionalist policymaking. This includes policy change, new cross-sectoral governance arrangements, potential for policy integration etc.
Code Title Details
P016 Addressing Climate Risks in Agriculture: A Post-Exceptionalist Perspective on Policy Change View Panel Details
P030 Agri-Food Policy Responding to Crisis: Charting New Approaches View Panel Details
P171 Farm to Fork or Farm to Flop? View Panel Details
P179 Food Politics and Governance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries View Panel Details
P319 Policy pathways to sustainable food systems View Panel Details
P377 Reforming agri-food policies: dynamics and policy change View Panel Details