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Policy Practices as Temporal Formations

Public Policy
Decision Making
Marlon Barbehön
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Johanna Kuhlmann
Universität Bremen
Holger Strassheim
Bielefeld University

Building: Institute of Romance Studies, Floor: 2nd floor, Room: 2.4

Friday 17:50 - 19:30 CEST (06/09/2019)


This panel covers papers that address the fundamental question how time and policy relate to one another. The papers approach this relationship from a variety of different theoretical, conceptual, and empirical perspectives. Common to these different perspectives is the premise that time could not be reduced to a natural force that constitutes an objectively given boundary condition of policy practices. Instead, the papers highlight, each in a specific way, that policy practices are to be seen as temporal formations, meaning that policy and time emerge interdependently. The panel thus highlights the analytical value of time-focussed research strategies, and it demonstrates how different conceptions of time allow for innovative insights in political science in general and policy analysis in particular.

Title Details
Between Dramatising and Calculating: Futures in Global Social Policy View Paper Details
Keep Them Waiting, Keep Them Quiet: Waiting as a Strategy of Social Control for Citizens on Social Assistance View Paper Details
Performing the Present, Forfeiting the Future: The Problem of Prediction from the Perspective of Performative Time View Paper Details
Temporality and Policy, Theory and Practice: Understanding ‘Complex Needs’ as a Travelling Concept View Paper Details