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Legislative speeches – Methodological Advances

Qualitative Comparative Analysis
David Willumsen
University of Innsbruck

Building: Newman Building, Floor: 1, Room: A106

Thursday 09:00 - 10:45 BST (15/08/2024)


With text from legislative speeches becoming accessible, and machine learning techniques entering methodologically, the possibility for quantative and qualitative analyses have expanded (e.g. ParlSpeech and ParlSpeechV2). This provides possibilities to evaluate theories about deliberation, position-taking, agenda-control, and empirical patterns such as length of speeches. The purpose of this panel is to present papers studying legislative speeches, and to discuss possibilities and limitations of studying legislative speeches. Chair: David Willumsen, University of Innsbruck.

Title Details
Consider that an explanatory note - text reuse analysis of legislative data View Paper Details
Legislative Debates and Interaction between Parties View Paper Details
Named Entity Linking for the longitudinal study of the parliamentary discourse in the German Bundestag View Paper Details
‘I Say, You Say’: Transitional Justice and Normative Polarisation in Parliamentary Interactions View Paper Details