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Elections, Electoral Behaviour and Voting Behaviour

Electoral Behaviour
Voting Behaviour
Maria Solevid
University of Gothenburg
Roula Nezi
University of Surrey

Building: Newman Building, Floor: 1, Room: F102

Monday 16:15 - 18:00 BST (12/08/2024)


This panel consists of five papers that together cover some of the most fundamental questions in elections, electoral behaviour, and voting behaviour research: election forecasting, election rules and the incumbent advantage, voter behaviour among undecided voters, climate change issue-salience and voting behaviour, and education and the increasing inequality in voter turnout. Method and data-wise, the first paper is a meta-analysis of citizen forecast studies, and the second paper studies mayoral elections in 128 cities in the Czech Republic over 20 years. The third and fourth papers examine voter behaviour and compare developments over time using cross-sectional or longitudinal data. The undecided voter paper uses data from Australian referendums and elections studies spanning 25 years, the climate issue-salience paper uses the German Longitudinal Election Study. Finally, the fifth paper examining education and inequality in turnout uses data from 15 Western European countries covering 50 years.

Title Details
The Effect of Individual and Contextual Characteristics on Citizen Forecasts’ Accuracy – A Meta-Analysis View Paper Details
Czech mayors - successful incumbents in a complicated electoral system? View Paper Details
Voting behaviour in referenda and elections: Undecided voters and the assessment of risk View Paper Details
The Dynamics of Climate Change: How Issue Position, Salience, and Competence Interact with Voting Behavior over Time View Paper Details
Democracy's Unsolved Dilemma: Education and Increasing Turnout Inequality View Paper Details