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Political Dynamics in Climate Policy: Parties, Public Opinion, and Preferences

European Politics
European Union
Green Politics
Climate Change
Policy Implementation
James Patterson
Utrecht University
Mari S. Helliesen
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Mari S. Helliesen
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 2, Room: E2.18

Monday 14:00 - 15:45 BST (12/08/2024)


This panel will examine the relationship between political parties and climate policy. Specifically, it will analyse how parties integrate environmental concerns into their agendas in the face of economic challenges and natural disasters. The analyses also focus on citizens' political preferences, which are integral to the functioning of a democracy and thus closely linked to parties. On the one hand, research looks at the influence of party positions on voters' environmental attitudes. It also examines how shifts in public opinion affect party policy. Finally, it considers the role of political identity in shaping individual preferences for environmental policy, highlighting the need for a nuanced understanding in policy formulation and communication.

Title Details
Environmental protection or economic growth: What policy package does the public want? View Paper Details
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Beyond Positive Partisanship: Understanding the Roles of Negative Identity and Affect in Individual Climate and Environmental Policy Preferences View Paper Details
Do Political Parties in Europe React to Citizens' Concerns about Climate Change? Association Between Public Opinion Shift and Party Environmental Politics Shift in case of Conservative vs. Liberal parties and Right-Wing vs. Left-Wing parties View Paper Details