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Cross-Segmental Representation in Consociations Regimes

Political Participation
Political Parties
Satoshi Tanaka
Ritsumeikan University
Ann-Mireille Sautter
Université catholique de Louvain
Jennifer Todd
University College Dublin

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 2, Room: ALE E2.16/2.17

Thursday 09:00 - 10:45 BST (15/08/2024)


The papers on this panel focus on the impact that group-based accommodation in divided societies has on opportunities for cross-segmental mobilisation, participation and representation esp. of minorities seeking representation of their group-relevant concerns; the differential impact of accommodation on demands by gender and sexual minorities and/or those of territorially dispersed groups, such as the Roma, who may find themselves marginalised as a result of their preference for intersectional accommodation.

Title Details
Political representation in consociations: Environmental interests and their representation in divided societies View Paper Details
Resilience and the Agency of Lebanese Elites View Paper Details
Cross-segmental representation in corporate consociations – evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina View Paper Details
Horizontal Redistribution and Roma Inclusion in the Western Balkans: The “Exclusion Amid Inclusion” Dilemma View Paper Details