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Role of Gender in Political Violence

Human Rights
Giada Laganà
Cardiff University

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 1, Room: S1.67

Wednesday 09:00 - 10:45 BST (14/08/2024)


Gender plays a prominent role in many aspects of political violence. First, it contributes to its occurrence. Second, sexual violence causes enormous suffering during conflict. Last, sustainable peacekeeping depends on female inclusion and participation. This panel focuses specifically on masculinity and violence perpetrated against women.

Title Details
Sexism, Context, and the Gender Gap in Support for Political Violence View Paper Details
How the power pyramid of the authoritarian state is learning to repress political dissent: special glances at the case of women in Belarus View Paper Details
Paradise lost? How incel presentations of the past are used to justify ideology View Paper Details
Reading agency into the supportive roles of women in violent political organisations View Paper Details
Explaining the gendered politicisation of violence against UK politicians View Paper Details