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Courts and judges under pressure

Comparative Politics
Yulia Khalikova
Universität Hamburg
Robert Sata
Central European University

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 1, Room: E1.19

Thursday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (15/08/2024)


The panel explores various aspects related to law and courts across political regimes, with a common theme revolving around the (executive) pressure on judges. One set of papers focuses on the strategies employed by autocrats to pressure the judiciary or utilize courts for regime consolidation; and democratic recession via small, gradual reforms. Another focus is on the strategies of resistance against autocratization by judges and the judiciary, and civil society. Other papers explore judicial decision-making and the political discourse about the rule of law in democracies.

Title Details
Courts under Pressure: How Social Media Changes Political Discourse About the Rule of Law in Modern Democracies View Paper Details
The Dual Judicial State of Illiberal Regimes View Paper Details
Politics of Legal Resistance: The strategic use of law to counter autocratization View Paper Details
Shield or a Target? The Journey of Judicial Councils' Resilience View Paper Details