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International and Regional Courts

Human Rights
Cordula Tibi Weber
German Institute for Global And Area Studies
Pablo Pizarro
Universitat de Barcelona
Cordula Tibi Weber
German Institute for Global And Area Studies

Thursday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (15/08/2024)


This panel delves into the multifaceted role of international and regional courts in shaping the global political landscape as well as the challenges these courts face. From international criminal courts to regional bodies like the European Court of Human Rights, the panel aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that shape court behaviour. Scholars will analyse the courts' impact on judicial independence at the national level or how regional courts themselves defend against threats to their independence. Further, the panel will explore their ability to prosecute international crimes as well as differences in judicial decision-making processes. By examining specific case studies and broader trends, the panel contributes to ongoing discourses surrounding judicial politics in global and regional governance.

Title Details
The In(significance) of Legal Status: Comparing Compliance with Regional Human Rights Courts' and UN Treaty Bodies' Decisions View Paper Details
Navigating the Grand Chamber Trilemma: The Role of the Large Formation at the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights View Paper Details
The Power of European Justice: Redefining Power Relations from the European Court of Human Rights View Paper Details
Third parties and other external factors playing a role in the jurisprudence of the CJEU and ECtHR View Paper Details