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(Dis)Trust in, between and within courts: Exploring the drivers and effects of (dis)trust

European Union
Mixed Methods
Public Opinion
Monika Glavina
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Esther van Zimmeren
Universiteit Antwerpen
Esther van Zimmeren
Universiteit Antwerpen

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 1, Room: E1.19

Tuesday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (13/08/2024)


Because the judiciary does not have an independent enforcing power to secure compliance, courts rely on the support for and the acceptance of their role. Trust is necessary for acceptance, compliance and cooperation. When trust is low or distrust is present, compliance, cooperation, and legitimacy are weak or absent. This panel aims to stimulate a dialogue on the role of (dis)trust in, between and within courts by exploring the drivers and effects of trust, that uncover potential decline in trust and sources of distrust, or identify ways of improving trust.

Title Details
Assessing Trustworthiness of Specialized Courts: A Reconsideration of the ABI-model and Application in a Case Study regarding the Unified Patent Court View Paper Details
The Relevance of Judicial Trust for Cooperating with the CJEU View Paper Details
Trust between courts in a multilevel judicial system: Exploring the levels and drivers of trust between national courts, the CJEU and the ECtHR View Paper Details
The Spectrum of (Dis)Trust: Media Strategies of Constitutional Judges and their Impact on Legitimacy of Judiciary View Paper Details