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Strategic actors in the legal field

Decision Making
Louisa Boulaziz
Universitetet i Oslo
Benjamin G. Engst
Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim
Benjamin G. Engst
Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 1, Room: E1.19

Monday 09:00 - 10:45 BST (12/08/2024)


Judges and other actors in the legal field are often understood as strategic actors, who make decisions in pursuit of specific goals. These range from personal political attitudes to personal or institutional preferences. The concept remains vague and unexplored. The panel acknowledges the achievements of strategic approaches but would like to contribute to its refinement. We welcome both theoretical-conceptual and empirical papers and encourage papers to explain their assumptions and premises about strategic considerations.

Title Details
Strategic use of extra judicial citations at the European Court of Justice View Paper Details
Judges’ independence under constraints: A strategic approach to the Chilean case View Paper Details
Constitutional Judges as Strategic Actors in Hungary View Paper Details